Monday, February 28, 2011

1" exposures

Sometimes your sync cord just does not feel like working. I know half of you don't even know what a sync cord is and the other half just thinks of them like a wlakman. In this day and age radio slaves are all the rage and well lets face it, there not cheap. My Nikon d7000 does not have a sync cord so i was forced to buy a hot shoe adapter that has a female pc port on it for my sync cord. The only problem was they might as well have packaged up a rock and sent it to me because it works just as well. But, with all problems come solutions. Quickly changed my plan from perfect crisp lighting to 1 second exposures and the test button on my off camera flash. It had some fun effects, and the ambient light made for a nice warm glow. Not exactly what I was going for when I set out but fun none the less

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