Sunday, December 4, 2011


In October I packed up my life into a volvo and finally moved back to Philadelphia. The city of brotherly love, I scored an internship with Amanda Stevenson Lupke and the Library Company of Philadelphia archiving historical documents for a national online database. While in town I have been super busy taking pictures and baking cookies. I step on a skateboard from time to time, and have a bit of fun when I can.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Early Sunday Morning August 28th, 2011 Hurricane Irene touched down on the southern shore of Long Island New York. The storm devastated much of the island and left many people with out power or under water. Thousands of people are still left without power and may remain that way till the end of the week.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Northport 5/14/2011

After skateboarding for a few hours, Pat, Rich, and myself went and got a pizza and some beers. We devoured it in about 4 seconds and took the beers for the way home. Pat spit a little freestyle on the way back and I was blown away. The kid got some talent. Before I went home we shot a few pics and called it a night. Just us fucking around but still...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

White Wash Radio

"What do you do if you come upon a tiger in the jungle? Whip it off and apologize." haha Tom, the singer from White Wash Radio, is full of these jokes and full of energy. All around good show and all around good time.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Top heavy

Now days, the mutants of that live on the northern shores of Long Island have been intergrading into society quite successfully. The children of the damned have been regularly taking part in normal adolescent activities. Here we have an image of one of them preforming an areal maneuver in the mini ramp.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nuclear Fallout

Recently I have been doing a mocumentary series on victims of radiation poison caused by the Shoreham/Wadding river Nuclear Facility. Although there was never any power generated by the plant there have been more and more mutants popping up every day. Check back for the latest information as it keeps coming up.